Evansdale Education Foundation (EFF) is a non-profit organization committed to providing direct financial support to help Evansdale Elementary School realize its full potential.
EIN: 27-3553574
Upcoming Events
The Evansdale Education Foundation is a 501c3 made possible by individual donations, corporate sponsorship, and funds that we raise during events like our annual EagleTrek fun-run and festival. Donations to the Evansdale Education Foundation are tax deductible and go entirely to supporting the growth of our neighborhood school.
Employer Donation Matching?
Make sure to share this with your employer if they have a donation matching program.
Donations by Check / Money Order
Please either mail a check or hand deliver to the front office at Evansdale Elementary made payable to:
Evansdale Education Foundation
P.O. Box 942222
Atlanta, GA 31141
All donations are confidential. For Eagletrek purposes, please include student first and last name and homeroom teacher.
Please retain your Paypal confirmation as your tax donation receipt.