Investment Funding Request
Guidelines & Request Submission Forms
Guidelines & Request Submission Forms
Funding Request Guidelines have been established by the Evansdale Education Foundation Board of Directors to provide Evansdale staff with a mechanism to identify funding needs and request funding from the Evansdale Education Foundation.
Evansdale staff interested submitting a funding request should review the Funding Request Guidelines in their entirety and submit the enclosed form to Evansdale Principal, April McCarthy.
All submissions must establish a Goal, follow the Criteria as set forth in the guidelines, and provide a suitable Mechanism for how the funds will be distributed.
Goal: To provide for staff to identify funding needs and request funding from the Evansdale Education Foundation (EEF).
Criteria: All requests will be evaluated consistently with the investment criteria established by the foundation which are:
Mechanism: Prior to seeking any funding from EEF, staff must submit the request form to the administration for recommendation. Blank forms will be maintained in a clearly marked folder in the foundation mailbox. After it is determined that the school and the district cannot provide the funding and a recommendation from the administration is obtained, EEF will consider funding a specific request. The administration will be consulted related to any specific request. Requests may be referred to the PTA if the board determines this is the more appropriate funding source. Any request should be made in writing and may be provided to any board member or left in the foundation mailbox. Any request must be made before any funding is needed with ample time for the board to take action (typically at least 30 days) and should identify how the investment criteria apply. Any request for training or professional development should identify how the program would assist with building on the School’s improvement plan and impact student achievement. In addition if training would require staff absence from the school, administrative approval for a substitute would be required prior to consideration of funding by EEF.